From 2012 Perú

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Congregation Giving

The breadth and depth of our Congregation's involvement in this year's trip is one I have never experienced. Some examples:
  • The Prayer Shawl Ministry is knitting (19) prayer shawls for us to take on the trip.
  • The Presbyterian Women made a donation towards the trip. They have also ordered and are paying for Bible Studies in Spanish for the women of the Presbytery. Incidentally, we are using the Presbyterian Women's donation and the savings of taking the bus to Huanta versus flying to Ayacucho to donate to the Presbytery so that their women can organize their own Presbyterian Women Groups. Sara Armstrong has agreed to assist them with their efforts. The Presbytery's first ever Presbyterian Women Conference is scheduled for mid-September in Huanta.
  • Iris Kimble has knitted approximately 50 caps.
  • The Men of the Church donated the proceeds of one of their breakfasts to the trip which was used to purchase office supplies for the Presbytery.
  • The Faith Group knitted approximately 50 infant caps.
  • Connie Dale has made four stained glass crosses for the Presbytery.
  • And then there are the numerous donations of clothing and shoes.
All this, in light of the current economic conditions, is quite overwhelming!
Trip commissioning is scheduled for Sunday, August 2, 2009, during Worship.
Thanks all!