From 2012 Perú

Saturday, November 28, 2009


We were fortunate to find a podcast within the Joining Hands Network website. One aspect of the work of the Joining Hands Network is the Bridge of Hope Fair Trade Program. They are members of the Peruvian Fair Trade Network. All support just and fair trade with Peru and the United States.

The podcast has 3 segments:
  1. The Fair Trade Network and it's history in brief.
  2. A short history of Radio AMAUTA in Huanta, from our friend Samuel Montes.
  3. The struggles of equality and human injustices that exist in parts of Peru.
      For those that are having trouble with the audio link of the site, here is the link to the podcast in a text version.
    We would like to thank Alexandra Buck, Joe Tobiason, Sarah Chancelor, Alissa King and Samuel Montes for their hard work and dedication to these projects.

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    A Time For Thanksgiving

    During this Thanksgiving season, remember how fortunate we are at Sharon Presbyterian to be able to freely worship here at home and in other countries. Because of the planning and leadership, profound impressions have been made on many that have participated in the mission trips. The work of the leadership that have taken up the cause is humbling. The planning of mission trips has become a year 'round quest. We're sure that there is not a day that goes by that someone, somewhere has thought of our next mission trip. Already, we have prayer shawls being made, crafts are being prepared, time off of work or school is being planned and sale papers are being gleaned for that perfect gift for the Peruvian children. The realization of the time and talents of planning these trips has not gone unnoticed. We give thanks to Randy Ross for his talents and his leadership.
    Please remember our missionary friends that are in other countries. They have accepted the challenge, taken up their cross and changed their lives to spread the word of Jesus Christ. We think how hard it is for a group of us to take a mission trip to a foreign country. And we only go for a few days! How much love, spirit and faith does it take to go for a lifetime? With their courage and service we think of Matthew 25:21... "Well done, good and faithful servant!..." Please look to the bottom left of this blog and take a few minutes to view the newsletters from just a few of our missionaries.

    We are thankful for our friends in Peru who's names are at the bottom of this blog page and on our Prayer Requests list. They are friends, they are love, they are grace, they are God's spirit and they are members of God's family... and we are blessed for meeting them.