From 2012 Perú

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Prayers Needed For Peruvian Families

It's sunny and hot in Lima. That means it's cold and wet in the Andes and jungle. The rains have come with a vengeance in the highlands. The new road from Cusco to Quillabamba is in the river and the San Martin area (Moyobamba region) is flooded.

Prayers are needed for many partners and their extension ministries in these areas:

Thanks for sharing this!

Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Coordinadores de Alianzas y Delegaciones con las Iglesias Reformadas de Peru'
Celulares: Rusty-975189205 Sara-998845847

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Missions Sunday

Hi Folks,

February 15th will be our Missions Sunday and Martin and I have been working on a different kind of worship service that will both provide opportunities to share how God is working through SPC in various areas of the world and that will work through scripture and music to show why we serve in mission fields near and far. The Chancel and Children’s Choirs are already hard at work preparing some creative and inspiring music for that day.

To highlight the mission trips and specific mission service of the congregation, we are asking you to find some folks in those ministries/trip groups to read scripture and speak passionately but briefly (1 ½ minutes each) about that particular mission at each worship service as directed below. Please let me know as soon as possible as we are finalizing the bulletin now.

We think that this will be a meaningful way to bring attention to why we provide these trips and opportunities for service as well as stir interest in volunteering or supporting these ministries. Thanks for your help!

Sharon Vanpelt
Director of Christian Education
Sharon Presbyterian Church
5201 Sharon Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210

Thursday, January 22, 2015

2015 Perú Mission Meetings Update

The 2015 Sharon Presbyterian Church Adult Mission Trip to Huanta, Perú promises to be one of witness and service to Jesus Christ. Do you feel God’s call to participate in this year’s trip?

There will be several informational meetings available for you to choose from.  All will be held at Sharon Presbyterian Church (5201 Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC):

  • Sunday, February 8th at 11:30 AM (Heritage Room of the Sanctuary)
  • Sunday, February 8th at 5:00 PM (Heritage Room of the Sanctuary)
  • Sunday, February 22nd at 11:30 AM (Parlor of the Charles Little Building)

The 2015 trip is open to adults and a limited number of youth participants. Youth participants must be at least a rising high school junior in 2015 and accompanied on the trip by a parent or legal guardian.

The trip is scheduled to take place from Friday, July 31st through Monday, August 10th.

Trip information/application forms will be distributed at each meeting. Forms will also be available in the Adult Mission Trip mailbox (located on the top row of mailboxes in the hallway outside the Sharon Church office) beginning Sunday, February 8th, or by contacting Randy Ross (704-552-5573 or

Trip applications, deposits and passport copies are due Sunday, March 15th. Please contact Randy if you are unable to attend any one of the meetings but are still interested in participating or learning more about the trip.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Huanta Kids For Christ

Sharon Presbyterian Church Joins with the Presbytery of Huanta Perú to Sponsor “Huanta Kids for Christ”

At the end of the 2014 Perú Mission Trip, Luz Davila, the Director of Children’s Education for the Presbytery of Huanta, invited Sharon Church to join with the Presbytery to help sponsor “Huanta Kids for Christ,” a Christmas celebration for approximately 200 children in the five Presbytery churches in and around Huanta.

At each church, the children were treated to a puppet show along with a snack including chocolates and other sweets. Each child received a small toy, a first for many.

Luz recently wrote “We are very thankful to God for His great love for us. We were very happy to share God’s love with His children this Christmas. Thank you for all you did to make this possible and to bring joy to the kids of Huanta.”

Friday, January 2, 2015

Western North Carolina Mission Trip Scheduled For This Spring

The 2015 Western North Carolina mission trip to Bryson City, North Carolina will be April 30 through May 3.

The work will be organized by the Bryson City Presbyterian Church. Our mission will be to assist low income, elderly, and disabled people with home repairs and lawn services.

For more information, please contact Phyllis Acton at (704) 553-2464.