Dear 2012 Adult Mission Team:
I wanted to give you a quick update on our upcoming trip to Peru , now just a little over twelve (12) weeks away!
The members of the 2012 team are:
Amanda Boelke
Rose Boelke
Connie Dale
Van Dale
Cheryl Judd-Magee
John Magee
Wes Manus
Randy Ross
Sarah Ross
Sara Armstrong, Rusty Edmondson and Brenda Paredes will join us in Lima.
I am checking daily airfares between the U.S. and Peru from Charlotte , Washington and the gateway cities ( Atlanta , Miami and New York ). International airfares have been stubbornly high this year and only in the past two weeks have shown any sign of decreasing. We have traditionally purchased tickets for the international portion of the trip from 12 to 18 weeks from the date of travel. At the present time, the best airfares between the U.S. and Peru are just one month from the date of travel. I am not confident, however, that I have the intestinal fortitude to wait that close to our trip to purchase tickets!

Cheryl and John will depart for Peru prior to the mission trip to visit Cusco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. They will join the rest of the team in Lima Saturday morning, August 4, 2012.
That Saturday will be a low-key day. We will probably visit the Larco Herrera Museum or the National Museum of Peru. We should then be fairly well rested for our ten 10 hour overnight bus trip from Lima to Huanta.
Amanda, Rose and Wes will travel to Cuzco after the mission trip to hike the Inca Trail, ending up at Machu Picchu .
I am looking forward to seeing pictures from the pre- and post-mission trip excursions!
Just in case you missed it, there was an article about Cuzco and The Sacred Valley in the April 29, 2012 edition of the Charlotte Observer.
Our hotel accommodations in Lima , Huanta and Ayacucho have been made. Daily breakfast at the Hostal La Posada de Marques in Huanta has been confirmed. Chapla and salt cheese, anyone?
Our project this year is to assemble, sand and paint 40 tables and 160 chairs for the churches in the Presbytery of Huanta for use in their children’s programs. Rusty is checking to see if the tables and chairs will be assembled prior to our arrival. That was such a blessing last year when we only had to sand and paint the bookcases and lecterns. I am sure that pre-assembly (by the Peruvians and not the Americans) made for a better piece of furniture!
We are also donating the funds to the Cristo Rey Church in Huanta to allow them to purchase 50 new mattresses, replacing those that were purchased 23 years ago. Quickly, what were you doing 23 ago?
The mattresses will be used by the students of the Huanta Bible Institute and by others who gather at the Cristo Rey Church for training, seminars, synod and presbytery meetings and other programs.
Our donations of clothing and shoes will be used by the Presbytery of Huanta to establish a community outreach program. Our ministry will in turn, enable their ministry.
This will be the fifth consecutive trip to Huanta. For me, each year I travel there becomes even more special than the year before, in part, because I am in awe for the blessing that I have yet another opportunity to go.
I am looking forward to our week together, one of faith, fellowship and service to Jesus Christ.
Sara and Rusty were in Ayacucho and Huanta during the Easter weekend and report that the members of the Cristo Rey Church are looking forward to our visit with much anticipation.
I have received the second trip payment from most, but not all team members. If you could arrange to have that sent to either me or the church (if the latter, clearly mark your check “Adult Mission Trip”) that would be great.
Oh, I was just kidding about the overnight bus ride. The plan is to fly between Lima and Ayacucho.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information about the trip.
Grace and peace to each of you!
So we miss another chance to see the wonderful countryside by bus! Boo!