From 2012 Perú

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Better Together: Ecumenism & Networks

From Sarah Henken
Original Post August 28, 2012

The Red UMAVIDA is an ecumenical network, comprised of three Bolivian denominations (Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches) and six community organizations from around the country. At the annual assembly earlier this year I was invited to share some thoughts about what it means to be ecumenical, and why it is important. Here’s a bit of what I said:

“Ecumenism” comes from the Greek word oikoumene and the root oikos, which means house. Other common words including ecology and economy have that same root, and they are all connected. “Ecumenism” refers to the whole inhabited earth, the home we share; ecology is the study of the way that home works, and economy refers to the rules of order we employ in our home.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Avondale Senoir High Mission Team Returns From Perú

The Senior High mission team from Avondale Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina has recently returned from a visit and work in and around Cusco and at the Seminaro Biblico Iep in Sicuani.  After their mission work was done the group enjoyed a 4 day trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Avondale Perú Presentation

On Sunday August 26, at 10:00AM, the Avondale Presbyterian Senior High Mission team will be giving a presentation of their recent trip to Perú.  The presentation will consist of descriptions of their hard work at the Seminario Biblico Iep Sicuani, other work in and around Cusco and their trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

Join them at Avondale Presbyterian Church, 2821 Park Road, Charlotte, North Carolina (704) 333-6194.

Missions At Home

Democratic National Convention - 2012

A community-wide group of organizations serving poor and homeless people in Charlotte has asked the Urban Ministry Center to provide Room In The Inn overnight housing for those displaced during the DNC. These people include those who are homeless and sleeping in center city Charlotte, and families living in motels who are being displaced so that the motels can raise their rates during the DNC. Since school opens August 27, there is particular concern for families with school-aged children living in these motels. The shelters are at maximum capacity. There is no way to know for sure how many people will need RITI services, but several cities who hosted national and international events have been contacted for their experience and response. Motels in the area have also been contacted. Tampa, hosting the RNC, is engaging in similar efforts as being done here.

The decision has been made to open Room In The Inn from August 31 through September 7 when the need should be the most acute. The goal is to house 150 guests/night city wide. Priority will be given to families and women; men will be admitted as space is available.

Sharon Presbyterian has committed to host RITI Friday, August 31, and Friday, September 7. We will need volunteers for each of the functions – set-up, pick-up drivers, dinner preparers, dinner servers, overnight hosts/hostess, breakfast preparers, return drivers, and clean-up crew. Each volunteer will only work one weekend of the two we are hosting.

Your consideration to help with this extra effort is very much appreciated.

David Beers

Exciting News!

Most of the Sharon/Avondale Presbyterian mission group have returned home from a wonderful journey to Perú.  This year, team members visited Lima, Huanta, Ayacucho and Chula.  The Magees from Avondale Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina left for Perú early to visit Cusco and Machu Picchu and joined the rest of the team on arrival in Lima.

Keep in your thoughts and prayers Rose Boelke, Amanda Boelke and Wes Manus who are still in Perú.  They will return back to the United States in a few days...  after completing the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu!

A few pictures are already loaded into the Perú album that can be accessed using the 2012 Album link below.  More pictures will be added each day as time permits.

The exciting news is for our planned visit in 2013.  The date will July 12-22 with 2 groups proposed.  One team is scheduled to work in and around Huanta, doing repairs on elderly and disabled church member's homes.  Team two will travel to the jungle highlands of Pichari to share our Lord's good news.

More information coming soon!