From 2012 Perú

Friday, February 6, 2009

"With" Our Hosts

This month's post is from Rosalind Walker who participated on the trips to Peru in 2004, 2006 and 2008. She was also a welcome addition to the trips to Costa Rica in 2005 and Guatemala in 2007.

WITH is the word that immediately comes to mind when I think back on our mission trip to Huanta, Peru last August. The people of Huanta worked WITH us, they shared WITH us, they worshipped WITH us and they celebrated WITH us.

On prior trips, we have done things FOR the people that we visited. In Huanta we did things WITH the church members who opened their hearts to us. The joy I think we all experienced with them is difficult to describe. They put four days of their lives on hold for us so we could be together and work, laugh, worship and be beaten in soccer with them!

As always, the times shared with everyone who goes on our trips are so special! We are all brought together by our wish to share our faith and help others and we learn so much about each other through that journey!



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