From 2012 Perú

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pastor Santos' Update 11

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have wonderful news to share today! Santos is released to return home with our mission team flying to Lima this Saturday, July 9. He had his final appointment with the oral surgeon this morning. The doctor said that he normally would not release anyone this early; Santos’ recovery has been outstanding! The doctor removed about 10 large screws from his mouth. At Santos' request, he gave the screws to him to keep as a reminder. This afternoon, he will have an appointment with his dentist for a slight adjustment to his bite.

George Holguin who has hosted Santos for much of his time here, commented that “It has been a long journey for Santos. Through it all, Angie (George’s wife) and I have been humbled by his enormous faith in God, never once showing any frustration or discouragement.”

I know you are rejoicing at this joyful news and will continue to pray for Santos as he returns home and transitions back into life and ministry in Peru!

Praising God with you,

Grace Swartz


  1. Fantastic!!!


  2. Thanks so much for sharing this. Wonderful news!

