From 2012 Perú

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Iquitos & Gallito

Sharon Presbyterian mission groups have been fortunate to be able to visit the Amazon region of Perú (2002-2004).  The people there remain in our thoughts and hearts to this day.  We spent many days in Iquitos, Gallito, Santa Clara, Santa Maria and Tamshiyacu.  We worked in churches, helped with health clinics, built malocas, built walkways, painted churches and clinics, sanded and painted exterior walls, cut and installed ceiling tiles, painted jails and dug wells.  We interacted and shared time with our hosts.  We played and laughed with the kids.  We participated in church services and received opportunities that gave us memories for a lifetime.

In 2006, the Sharon mission group was able to make a side trip to Iquitos and Gallito after our mission trip to Moyabamba.  In Gallito, the community center/church was locked up and looked as though it had not been used for some time.  We also heard that the water wells had fell into disrepair.  In Iquitos, the boulevard building was not a church any longer and looked as though is was being used for storage.  We all had so much hope when we were working and praying in the Amazon.  After catching up with some old friends, we left with sadness in our hearts.  We were not so much sad that the physical things were not being used, but sad because of the lost hope and the feeling that we had abandoned our friends.

The Medical Missions, Inc. website is under construction or nonexistent.

The Amazon Mission Fellowship site lists that visits have thankfully been continuing by Westminster Presbyterian Church of Spartanburg, SC and First Presbyterian of Huntington, WV.  Hope has returned and is continuing.  We all are eternally grateful.

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